Thursday, October 19, 2006

Just Say NO to Dick and YES to Jen - Reason #19

The people of Michigan are a smart bunch.
We're straight-forward and we believe that a firm handshake means you give your word.
We don't need $3,000 suits and fancy cars to sell us on an idea, we just need to know that the person we elect has a plan that's solid and is going to work for us.
We've got mortgages to pay, kids to put through college and food to put on the table each day.
We work hard for our money, and we expect our leaders to work even harder for us.

Just Say NO to Dick because...
19. Dick DeVos's tax plan will destroy Michigan's communities.
Dick DeVos's plan to slash taxes has been called irresponsible, and would only ruin our cities and schools that depend on that money to survive. (Detroit Free Press, 10/12/06)

Just Say YES to Jen because...
19. Governor Granholm is strengthening Michigan's communities constantly.
The Governor is constantly securing money from the federal government to build up our cities and towns. In September, the Governor brought one grant for over $15.3 million split between 37 different communities. (Michigan Economic Development Corporation) Of course, that's only one example of 8 new projects that she's brought in the last 3 weeks alone. (MEDC)


Anonymous said...

Granholm has had her opportunity to lead and has proven herself incapable. She's a great speaker, a lot of people think she's a "nice" person, she's certainly charismatic, not to mention dramatic, but she is NOT the person for the job. We all know that the Detroit Free Press backs her every move --- but what do others of Michigan's largest newspapers say?

The Detroit News, The Grand Rapids Press and The Oakland Press of Pontiac each noted DeVos' business background as they chose him over incumbent Democrat Jennifer Granholm as the best candidate to lead Michigan out its prolonged economic decline.
"DeVos understands that Michigan must send a strong signal to the rest of the world that it has changed the way it does business," The News said. ".... He promises to take personal control of economic development efforts, rather than entrust that vital task to bureaucrats."

The Grand Rapids Press, in its endorsement of DeVos, said, "His campaign has centered squarely on the Michigan economy - and on the tax policies, investment strategies, government reforms and market ventures that must be undertaken to return the state to a job-creation path."

"There is no denying that her rough road in office largely has been shaped by circumstances beyond her control," The Grand Rapids Press said. "But as Ms. Granholm didn't cause Michigan to roll to a standstill, neither has she been able to use her skills to persuade her political power base to join the fight to get the state moving again ... "

The Detroit News said: "The challenges the governor has faced have been immense, and we have often sympathized with the enormity of the task she faced. But in measuring her performance in leading Michigan through this crisis, we find her lacking. She was too slow to implement policies to change the state's economic future, too ineffective in dealing with the Legislature to push through urgent legislation and too uninspiring in rallying citizens to the extreme challenges of transforming the state's economy and breaking its culture of entitlement."

The Oakland Press said Granholm has had to contend with "a hostile, Republican-controlled state Legislature" in addition to the economic slump created in part by the retrenchment of the major domestic automakers. It added, "Granholm has had four years to turn around the state's economy - the worst in the nation. For whatever the reasons, she hasn't done so. It's time to let someone else - an expert in business, among other things - to take a shot at it."

The Freep won't publish it's endorsement until late this month but we already know who they support, don't we?

DeVos for Governor. I love Michigan and I can't handle four more years of Granholm's lack of leadership. I'm a woman and normally, that's all it would take for me - I love to support my fellow females being elected to places of leadership - but now it's about survival. It's about my future and my children's future and the prosperity of this state. I vote for change, for fresh ideas and for the implementation of those ideas. I support someone who has had to make tough decisions - has restructured, reorganized and become successful - and who will use those past experiences to lead Michigan FORWARD. I've thought an awful lot about why DeVos is doing this in the first place -- He certainly doesn't HAVE to. Like he said himself, he's not doing this to HAVE the job, he's doing this to DO the job. I believe that's the truth and I pray others do too.

Anonymous said...

One more thing... Did anybody notice that our unemployment rate is still at 7.1% this month? 7.1!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, thank you for your courageous stance! I am glad to see that there are at least 3 women I can count on (Ruth Johnson & the Billionairess are also voting for me!) in my Campaign to Take Back Michigan for the Corporations.

Thanks also for noting that Michigan has a high unemployment rate. I was afraid that Dubya would start addressing that problem before the election but thankfully, he has decided not to help until after the election. Makes me really feel like I got my money's worth!