Friday, October 20, 2006

Just Say NO to Dick and YES to Jen - Reason #18

Amway Guy's entire claim as to why he'd be the better Governor is because he's a businessman. He's said time and time again how Michigan needs to be run like a business.
Tricky Dick has even asked us, the voters to hire him so he can be our CEO.
CEO's have proof and get results.

Just Say NO to Dick because...
18. There is no proof that Dick DeVos has actually created jobs in Michigan. His campaign has been unable to turn over any proof that he actually created jobs here, while CEO of Amway/Alticor. It has now been over seven months since the DeVos Campaign told the Associated Press they would "“have documentation in a few days to back up how many jobs DeVos has created." (Associated Press, February 27, 2006)

Just Say YES to Jen because...
18. Total employment in Michigan is up 24,000 since Governor Granholm took office. Despite how Amway Guy may spin it, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics tell it like it is.

Who would you rather have as your CEO?

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