Monday, October 16, 2006

Just Say NO to Dick and YES to Jen - Reason #22

Check the other 25 Reasons Why here...and keep checking back everyday between now and the election! And don't forget to vote!

Education is the key to improving Michigan, to ensuring a well-qualified work-force and investing in our incredible human capital. That is indisputable, Amway Guy even agrees with that. Problem is, he says one thing, and does another. Newsflash - Dick's a quitter and Michigan's kids are the ones losing out. Thanks Dick!

Just Say NO to Dick because....
22. Dick has given up on Michigan's kids. In Tricky Dick's Michigan Turn Around Plan, Dick says "As governor, there is no responsibility I will take more seriously than making sure that all of our children receive the education they need to succeed. Nothing is more important...Following through to make sure our children reach those standards is more important." (pg. 25)
Problem is -
In 1991, DeVos was elected to the State Board of Education. He left in 1993, two years into an eight-year term, to run Amway. (Grand Rapids Press, 9/20/06)

Just Say YES to Jen because...
22. Governor Granholm has fought like hell for Michigan's kids, with incredible results.
Gov. Jennifer Granholm signed legislation giving Michigan one of the toughest sets of high school graduation requirements in the nation. (Detroit News 4/21/06)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am hoping that without the Tigers playing tonight and the NLCS game postponed due to rain that more voters will tune in to see how incompetent, smug, and hollow DeVos truly is. I'm sure Dick will give some more empty rhetoric since even his millions can't buy him the ability to articulate a direct answer to a question.

Over the weekend I saw that Governor Granholm is up by 8 and 9% in the two latest polls. Great news, but the pressure has to stay on for the homestretch. Granholm's ads are getting better and better, I like this one reminding everyone of the voucher issue, a pet project for the DeVos family.