Thursday, October 26, 2006

Just Say NO to Dick and YES to Jen - Reason #12

No doubt about it, the #1 factor in this race for Michigan's governor is about Jobs.
The voters in Michigan want to know who's going to bring in the most jobs for the state.
A great way to stack the candidates up is by looking at the their records.
One quick look and it's pretty clear.
Who's fighting for you?

12. Dick DeVos has a clear record of supporting the outsourcing of Michigan jobs.

Dick DeVos supported NAFTA. Michigan lost more than 63,000 jobs due to NAFTA. (Christian Science Monitor, September 20, 1993; Economic Policy Institute, “NAFTA’s Cautionary Tale,” July 20, 2005)
Dick DeVos advocated for a Michigan company to move out of state to Tennessee. DeVos said the company’s decision to build a plant down south “shouldn’t be considered a bad thing.” (Monroe Evening News, July 19, 2006)

12. Governor Granholm has worked hard to keep jobs in Michigan, and to bring in thousands more.
The Governor has signed 59 targeted tax cuts for businesses, including a $600 million cut for our manufacturers that encourages the insourcing of jobs..
Michigan has been rated as the 8th Best Business Climate in the nation, and 5th Best State for Small Business. (Site Selection Magazine and The Small Business and Entrepreneurial Council)

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