Monday, November 20, 2006

Humbled Musings

Tonight was the second time in less than 3 weeks that a diary of mine has been "rescued" on DailyKos. (The first was my Veteran's Day post)

For those of you unfamiliar with Kos, it's The national liberal blog. Thousands of people write dairies there each day, just like MichiganLiberal, but on a much, much larger scale. Each day, about 10-20 diaries are rescued by the Rescue Rangers, and no, they aren't chipmunks. :-D

At the end of each day, a Diary Rescue is posted on the front page of DKos, with a brief summary of each diary. This is a big deal for me because as a relatively new kid on the block (I've been blogging just under a year, and only blogging on Kos for about a month) it's quite the unexpected honor.

I never stuck my toes into the water of this blogosphere because I wanted to be famous, or well known, or to have bragging rights. (If anything, I've endured a lot of teasing from my non-blogging friends and family over the elevation of my dork status since blogging.) I blog because I hope to educate and enlighten others.

A fellow Kossack (the moniker given to those of us who post at DailyKos) had this to say in the comment section, and I'd like to share it.

Everyone should read the MI GOV diary (Posted by Land of the Free)
Liberal Lucy's diary is a must read for everyone. It's a fascinating look at how a Democratic Governor in a state with a struggling economy, and with a ridiculously rich right-wing opponent, was able to win in a landslide.

The theme from the polling results is that Michiganians, while hurting economically, saw through the right-wing crap and voted for competence over empty platitudes. The weird thing is that while they voted overwhelmingly for Granholm (who was behind in the polls last summer) based on many social issues as well as her competence, they also simultaneously voted to create some bans on affirmative action. There are some interesting lessons to be learned from the polling results LL has in her diary. Check it out.

That got me thinking. Here's my response that I posted.

Thanks for Getting It! (Posted by LiberalLucy)

The only reason I blog is to educate others, not because I have a bunch of time on my hands.

There's so much to be learned from all the different states and their elections, but I agree with you, Michigan is a unique case that I dare say will most likely be repeated again.

In one aspect, it gives me pride that Michigan told a billionaire we can't be bought to his uber-conservative ways.

In another aspect, it frightens me to think that as this very moment, the GOP is restocking their candidate inventory, and figuring out how Michigan can be bought and conquered, next time around.

The Liberals own the blogosphere like the Conservatives own the Talk Radio sphere. If we don't continue to strentghen and fortify our strong points, we'll only fall flat on our faces in '08. I hope to God that it's just a really bad nightmare we all have, and never the actual case.

I won't sit by and watch it happen, so I continue to speak up, speak out, and hope to God those who matter are listening.

So another day, another post, another prayer that those who matter actually are listening.


BZP said...

Congratulations! Someone clearly has an eye on you over there, so keep up the great work.

LiberalLucy said...

Thanks, Zack. I've been thinking that myself, but no pressure huh? :-D