Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Taking it to the Streets, and a Possible Right Wing Conspiracy

As I sit here with my big box o' Kleenex, throat lozenges, and remedies for all that ails me, here's a couple thoughts to supplement this morning's Coffee Talk over at MichLib.

Despite my lack of health and energy, I'll be out this afternoon for the Domestic Partner Benefits March over at the Capitol. A big thanks to my friend and fellow Daily Kos Rescue Ranger, Pico, for doing a great diary over at MichLib about it. It's at 3pm, hope you can make it.

There's a new blog on the block, Rust Belt Blues, which is worth you stopping by to check out. Howard's latest post is concerning a possible right-wing conspiracy against Apple. Given all the much ado about nothing that the Repubs drummed up over those iPods, Howard just may have a point. Once you head over, be sure to do like I do, and add Rust Belt Blues to your Bloglines or RSS Reader.

It's a beautiful day out, and I'm hoping that the sun and fresh air will do my sinuses/allergies some good. If nothing else, the exercise will do my body good and continue to help me get in shape for my bike ride.

p.s. I'm still collecting donations to reach my goal of $15,000. Can you help?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice to see so many people at the rally today. Kudos to all who attended. 99% of public policy is showing up. Thanks for showing up.