Monday, May 21, 2007

Out Sick

Sooner or later, it was bound to happen. I could barely believe that I skated through the entire winter and spring while my "healthy" friends were beleaguered with colds, flu bugs, and nasty viruses, and I was perfectly healthy.

Sure enough. I woke up Saturday morning, nose plugged, scratchy throat, lymph nodes swollen, and my head weighing more than the Acme anvil that always seems to end up on poor Wylie E. Coyote's head. I'm sick.

Miso soup, sushi with extra wasabi, and hot tea are now my good friends, along with Mensch71 who's fussed over me like a good Mother Hen should. This weekend has made me appreciate the little bonuses that come with living in the 21st Century like - heating pads, electric kettles, delivery service from the local sushi place, and Lazy-Boy furniture.

Of course, life wouldn't be life without a clogged kitchen pipe, but many thanks to my friendly local neighborhood handyman who saved me from the toxic sludge that was backing up in my kitchen sink.

As I'm on the mend, here's to you and yours, staying healthy!

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