Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Bloggers Get Real or The Next Book You Need to Read

There's a book that's due out that I can't wait to read.

Written by fellow Michigan blogger emptywheel, Anatomy of Deceit: How the Bush Administration Used the Media to Sell the War and Smear a Critic is already listed on, although it won't be out for a couple more weeks.

Here's a great description of the book from Amazon:
What happens when Washington, D.C. pundits and journalists run in the same social circles as the people they cover? When the President and his administration trade press access for loyalty? The public gets a complicit, uncritical press greasing the skids to a brutal war, outing a CIA agent, and muddying the waters of a grand jury investigation. In the fearful aftermath of 9/11, much of America’s pride — its free press — became an unquestioning propaganda arm.

Marcy Wheeler’s Anatomy of Deceit documents how the media promoted the Administration’s justification for war — that Iraq was on the verge of acquiring weapons of mass destruction — even though it had no basis in reality. And it provides a play-by-play account of how Vice President Dick Cheney’s office first used the media to target a critic, former Ambassador Joe Wilson, and then to avoid criminal charges in the CIA leak case.

While the media was beating the drums of war and cozying up to the administration, citizen journalists were digging for the truth. Wheeler's compelling account tells the story, as it needs to be told — from outside the Beltway's cocktail circuit.

Firedoglake will be featuring emptywheel on a discussion about her book, the process of uncovering the real facts, and what's next for her and the book. Join her at Firedoglake this Sunday, Jan. 7th at 5pm EST. I'll see you there.

I'm excited because the publication of this book further displays the power of the "alt-media" as bloggers are now being called. The world is just starting to grasp how we bloggers are able to change the face of the media. We don't have partisan editorial boards to report too, we don't write because we depend on a paycheck (although it would be nice!) we write because we believe in what we do, and the potential that educating others holds.

Many thanks to emptywheel for her hard work and dedication. I'm expecting many more great things out of her!


Conservative Chloe said...

Ok....first of all.....regardless of weapons of mass destruction....oil...personal greed...whatever reason you want to give for the true motives of why we are in Iraq.....SADDAM HUSSEIN WAS KILLING PEOPLE BY THE MASSES. He was experimenting on the Sunni muslims with gases that killed them not to mention many other reasons he found for killing his citizens. Many of you say....well...he wasn't a direct threat to our country...are you kidding me? Aren't liberals supposed to be the humanitarians that want to help their fellow "global citizen". Yet you cower in the face of giving up your life for the life of your fellow man. Here is a little history knowledge for you. Did you know the Baath party was started in the 1930's-40's by a man who studied Hitler to a tee and formed his party in the image of the Nazi party? They even had a similar symbol to the Nazi symbol. They hated the jewish people and wanted to work with the Nazi party to do the same thing to Jews in the middle east as Hitler did to his people-and still would like to. That is the basis for the whole Baath party and you are going to tell me that this party - Saddam's party - it was ok for them to kill and plan to destroy not only their own people but the Jewish people. Try explaining that one to the Iraqi people and the Jewish people. Go ahead....tell them you don't care if they live or die because the people killing them or attempting to kill them are not a direct threat to you. Our troops are willing to die to save a strangers life over there - how about you? No - you would rather sit behind your computer and blog about what everyone else is doing or not doing. Coward! My uncle was a World War II spy - ever heard of the Jed Burgs? They were an elite group of military operatives that Winston Churchill credited for turning the tide of the war in favor of America. These men risked their lives. My uncle was a prisoner of war in the foothills of China for months and his wife who was with child did not even know if he was alive (different mission after Germany). Did he complain about being at war against these barbaric people that needed to be stopped no. Bone up and get a back bone and stop sitting around the fireplace singing peace songs - there are people that want to kill us and will kill us when given the chance. Our President is being proactive, instead of putting out fires after they happen, which is what you apparantly like to do, he is ensuring that these people are put down before they do further harm. And we wouldn't be in the predicament in the first place if your good ol' boy slick willy clinton had killed Osama Bin Laden when he had the chance...however decided to let him go because he was to busy committing non-integrity, non-great generation acts in the White House Oval Office.

Unknown said...

Hey, if you want to support in Independent Bookstore (instead of or one of the mega-stores), the book is available for preo-order at the sole remaining Feminist/GLBT Bookstore in the state of Michigan, Common Language.

In addition, we will be hosting an event with Marcy in February...details are being finalized.