Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Bloggers Paradise or Bust!

It's that time of year again, time for Geek Fest 2007, otherwise known as YearlyKos 2007.

For those of you familiar with the largest lefty blog in the country, DailyKos, this might sound familiar. YKos is the national conference for progressive netroots activists just like yours truly. Needless to say, I can't wait!

While I'm there, I'll be taking part in various workshops, panels, and hobnobbing with some of the country's elite progressive politicians and netroots activists, including Gov. Howard Dean, DNC Chairman and all 8 of the Democratic Presidential Candidates.

Can't make it? Don't despair, CNN, C-Span, NPR, and the rest of the MSM will be there covering it all. Needless to say, in only it's second year, YearlyKos is becoming a place that's changing the face of Democratic politics in America.

I'm joining 10-15 other Michigan lefty bloggers that I know in the Windy City, and when all's said and done, I'm sure we'll be a part of the 2,000+ crowd.

That being said, don't think I won't be updating LLP while I'm there. There will be so much to share, so many opportunities awaiting everyone, that I'll be on the Tubes more often than not.

Despite all the frenzied chaos that's sure to be YKos, it's about keeping things in perspective. A good friend and fellow blogger Kid Oakland just posted this very touching piece over on DailyKos. That is what it's all about.

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