Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The New Kids on the Block: Part 1

As it's probably been apparent over the years, I love Mid-Michigan and my adopted home, Lansing.

Just as the rest of the state has suffered, Lansing's endured its fair share of bad news, depressing times leaving some residents with a glass is half-empty mindset, and understandably so.

Even though spring isn't exactly right around the corner, Mid-Michigan is starting to see some new signs of life, particularly within the media.

It wasn't until this past weekend at the Michigan Policy Summit that Capital Gains first made its debut. Owned by Issue Media Group, you might have seen some of CG's sister publications, like Model D in Detroit, Rapid Growth in Grand Rapids and MetroMode in Metro Detroit.

Capital Gains is unlike anything you've ever seen, focusing on the positive, highlighting the great things about our home, and what I think is a great hope for Mid-Michigan's future.

Stay tuned tomorrow as you discover the other latest and greatest new media here in Michigan. You're definitely going to like what you see.

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